Rye McCrory

Too much information.

Entry 0009

Wrote up some HTML, both for my site, and for Abuse.Plasmafire.Org. You won’t see the code up on APO, but it’s up on BB. PlasmaFire is still checking the code out, to try to make sense of it. He liked it a lot, but it was… messy, shall we say. I also unpacked Dreamweaver MX, but I prefer to manually code stuff. More challenging. PF provided me the link to a hex code generator, which is pretty cool, but sometimes doesn’t come out with the colour you created. It’s still a nifty web-tool.

August 24, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Entry 0008

Another StarCraft match, this time with my brother. We played against a computer, who we set as Terran. My brother was also Terran, and I tried out the Protoss. First thing I did was assign a worker for every mineral deposit. Then, I built a Gateway, so troops could pour out once I had enough resources. The next few minutes were spent building up a large attack force and six photon turrets. My base suffieciently defended, my troops upgraded, I set out with my brother, who had an attack force of ten marines and two firebats, whilst my own consisted of eight zealots and four dragoons. We set upon the enemy, and were surprised to find little defence. We barely had time to finish off the remaining troops when both my base and our combined assault forces were attacked. My photon turrets quickly annihilated the opposing troops, but our offensive front took a beating. Enemy siege tanks deployed and tore out troops to shreds.

Next, we built up another assault force apiece. Mine was upgraded further, whilst more cannons were built, and my brother filled his bunkers with troopers. This time, Pierce’s force was made up of eight marines, two firebats, and a pair of siege tanks. Mine was identical to the previous force. We attacked, succeeded in wiping out a fair amount of enemy troopers, one or two structures, and a few workers. Our forces were eventually destroyed, but not before killing a great deal of enemies.

After the second defeat, we revised our strategies. My brother provided two groups, one of ten marines and two firebats, and another with four tanks, four marines, and four firebats. I came up with eight zealots, six dragoons, and six scout fighters. We launched our forces, suffered many casualties, but emerged victorious. Their base destroyed, we mopped up the remaining troops, made a slaughter out of their workers, and ended the game in victory.

Game Scores:

Rye: 72 units killed, 28 lost. 2 structures razed, 0 lost.

Pierce: 47 units killed, 31 lost. 13 structures razed, 1 lost (a bunker).

August 24, 2006 Posted by | Gaming | Leave a comment